Monday, November 10, 2008

8 Down - 25 to Go!

Finished my 8th treatment today. The skin is looking very good, although its quite pink. The ALRA cream is keeping it from breaking down, which is very important. The big change this week is that the radiated breast has shrunk considerably. Probably something I'd notice more than a mere stranger seeing me fully dressed, but I do realize it, and it is kind of sad.

Over the weekend, I started feeling a little more tired than usual. Just not sleeping that great at night, but not being able to catch up during the day. When I left work today, after a difficult workload, to get treatment, I was just exhausted, but there were still things to do. So I'm going to make it my business to get to bed as early as I can and just relax a bit.

I can't stop focusing on the fact that I had cancer! I can't seem to get it out of my mind lately. I am really angry again. While I know all the good things about the type I had, it's just that I had it and it can always creep back. Yeah yeah...I know that I'll be vigilent and do all the things I need to in order to catch anything as early as possible, but I'm not so naive to think that I'll never be at risk again.

Ignore my's pity party day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There is nothing good about cancerin any size shape form grade or stage; so rant when needed. I have enjoyed getting to know you and feel honored to count you as friend. I hope your radiation journey is smooth and that happier, healthier days lie ahead.