Tuesday, September 1, 2015

My Final Surgery 13 Months Later?

It has been some time since I wrote my last entry. Last year was just rough and tough. The stress and physical changes took their toll physically and mentally. I am hellbent on starting this Jewish New Year (September 13 eve) with a final body shape and a new mental outlook. In this effort, I scheduled my final breast-related surgery tomorrow. Because the extenders did not work, the extra skin that was there for my new Foobies (fake breasts) needs to be removed, and that is what will happen tomorrow.

When I started this journey in September 2008, on the first day of Rosh Hashanah, I never dreamed I would be going through all of this and for this long. There has been days of happiness for not having a cancer recurrence, and days of sadness and depression from the loss of my breasts and the change in my body image, not that it was so great to start with.

So off to prepare for tomorrow I go....