Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Mental Health Checkup

Only 8 days away from the lumpectomy and 4 days until David's cardiac catheterization. Having gotten a pre-op checkup of my lungs, bloodwork, cardiac and respiratory status yesterday, I also thought this would be a good time to do a mental health checkup. For some reason, I wasn't sure I was reactnig appropriately to all the news. I really haven't cried all that much. I can stop thinking about our troubles when I'm busy, and am finding myself a lot more worried about David than myself. So...I made an appointment with my psychiatrist, whom I had visited in the past, but had not seen in the past 18 months. Today was the day!

When he asked me why I was there, I repeated everything I said above. We went into all the activities in my life within the past 18 months, including our plans to move. Fifty minutes later, I walked out with a pronouncement of excellent mental health - even more so than my last visit 18 months ago. He was pleased that David and I were reducing the commute and house maintenance stress in our lives by moving. He said my reaction to this illness was on par, basically because I really have no statement of the future until I get the results and talk to the medical oncologist. He further emphasized that he would be more upset if I were totally unwired at this point. Not that I should not be disturbed and concerned, but since I received "no sentence" at this point, why angst over the unknown? Makes sense to me.

So...I've conquered another checkpoint. Going to the dentist today for my 6 month checkup as planned. That's enough doctors until David's procedure on Friday. Then we start again. Here's hoping that Jewish New Year brings a happy and healthy one to the Klein family.

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