Calla Lily - Flower of Friendship. When I look back at my life, I have been very blessed to have had long lasting friendships, most stemming from my childhood. If you think about it, childhood friends accept you as are. After all, they knew you when you were most vulnerable. They knew when you had pimples before you discovered great makeup and Clearasil. They knew you when you fell on the playground, where they helped pick you up, dust off the asphalt grime, and take you to your teacher or your mom to wipe tears and get that band-aid that seemed to solve everything.
They knew you when you got your first bra, met your first boyfriend...you get the picture. There is little energy expended in being anything other than who you are. They don't care what car you drive, how big your house is, or how much money you earn. Yet, they do worry that you and your family are happy and well. These friendships are indeed precious and in our transient materialistic culture, quite rare.
I am also blessed to have met new friends along the way, too through work, play, and community activities. To all of my friends, I extend my sincere thanks and love for your telephone calls and emails. They mean more to me at this time than you'll ever know.
Jo Ann
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