Monday, October 20, 2008

Pink Day

Yesterday was the Race for the Cure, and I had the opportunity to walk with friends, but I just could not do it. Realizing that I would see other survivors there in all different phases of recovery just put the wall up for me. So while I thought I was really far along mentally, guess I am not as strong as I think I am.

Funny thing, though. In the afternoon, I went shopping and ran into a woman wearing her survivor shirt from the event. A total stranger and I started talking to her about the walk and her experience. She told me she received her diagnosis in New York and had come to Baltimore for treatment and was 1 year out from a year of intense therapy. Her joy was having her daughter come down to walk with her. I shared with her that I was a frightened of the experience, and she said she could have never done it the first year either. We parted with a hug - a stranger and myself. Yes, the sisterhood is strong.

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