Yesterday afternoon, I heard from the genetics counselor again. She advised that the final genetics tests (the $3000 test) were in and everything was negative. She was thrilled, but not as much as I was. She said that she felt strongly after seeing the results (and she gets more than a positive or negative result) that the fact that my mom and I have both had breast cancer is more coincidental than heredity. She said it could be environmental or chemical or other reasons not yet defined. She advised I continue with my follow-ups as recommended by the oncologist (duh...) and that Rachel and Carol start their vigilence at age 40. As you can imagine, Carol and Rachel were ecstatic! Too bad it takes so long to get good news.
This afternoon, I start the first radiation treatment. One of my co-workers brought me a gift today. She saw a ceramic pink ribbon today telling me that she had been thinking of me when she saw it. I was really touched, considering that before this came about, no one was talking to me at all.
Lesson 39: Fiscal Responsibility
11 years ago
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